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Posts tagged as “Grave”

OIC Secretariat Has ‘Grave Concerns’ on Afghan Female UN Workers Ban

By Fatema Adeeb in TOLOnews, April 07, 2023 at 8:17 PMThe General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) called on the interim Afghan government to revisit its decision regarding barring Afghan female staff of the UN agencies in Afghanistan from working. He also expressed “grave concerns” over the ban, saying that the new “edict will intensify the successive restrictive measures imposed on women and girls, including banning them from governmental organizations.” The ban…

West: US Engaging With Kabul Despite ‘Grave Concern’ With Policies

By Mohammad Farshad Daryosh in TOLOnews’, Mar 3, 2023 at 11:00 PMThe US special envoy for Afghanistan, Thomas West, said Washington has not seen significant steps towards normalization with the Islamic Emirate. In a special interview with TOLOnews, West stated that the current Afghan government lacks a permanent representative at the UN and official ties with international financial institutions. “We have not seen significant steps towards normalization with the Taliban, They do not have a…