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Posts tagged as “freight”

Pakistan stops 8,700 Afghan goods containers at Karachi Port:

By Fidel Rahmati in THe Khaama Press Online, October 20, 2023Pakistan’s recent restrictions on the transfer of goods have raised concerns among Afghan traders and freight forwarders in China. These restrictions have led to a substantial trade challenge, with 8,700 containers carrying commercial goods coming to a halt at the Karachi port. According to these businessmen, Pakistan imposes a fine of $200 for each container, resulting in significant financial losses for them. “If the containers…

Delays of Nepal-bound freight trains worry traders

by Shankar Acharya in The Kathmandu Post, JUly 28, 2023Nepal-bound railway rakes originating at the Indian sea ports of Kolkata and Visakhapatnam are being subjected to long delays and stops en route, resulting in losses to Nepali traders, insiders say. Indian Railways normally takes four to five days to transport containers from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh to Sirsiya dry port in Birgunj, Nepal. Now the rakes arrive after 25 days. The journey from Kolkata port to…