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Posts tagged as “France”

France evacuates five Afghan women ‘threatened by Taliban’

AFP report, Sept 5, 2023PARIS: France received on Monday five Afghan women “threatened by the Taliban” after repeated requests it creates a humanitarian corridor for women shut out of public life, an official said. Since returning to power in August 2021, Taliban authorities have imposed a strict interpretation of Islam, with women bearing the brunt of laws the United Nations has labelled “gender apartheid”. Women and girls have been banned from attending high school and…

France seeks to boost naval ties with Bangladesh

by Porimol Palma in The Daily Star, Jul 5, 2023The French Navy, renowned for its size and formidable naval capabilities, has expressed a keen interest in collaborating with the Bangladesh Navy to uphold international law and ensure maritime security. Rear Admiral Emmanuel Slaars, the chief of French joint forces in the Indian Ocean, conveyed this during an interview held aboard the French stealth Fregate Surcouf. The ship, which embarked on its journey from France two…

Japan, France and India to launch platform to coordinate Sri Lanka debt

Reuters report Apr 13, 20223Washington:- Japan, France and India will announce a new platform for creditors to coordinate restructuring of Sri Lanka’s debt, Japanese Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki said on Wednesday, adding it would be “very nice” if China were to join the effort. As chair of this year’s Group of Seven (G7) meeting, Japan has put efforts to address debt vulnerabilities of middle-income countries such as Sri Lanka as among priorities for debate. The…