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Posts tagged as “focused”

‘Vote ko izzat do’ not anti-establishment rhetoric: Shehbaz

by Rameez Khan in The Express Tribune, Oct 7, 2023LAHORE: PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif has clarified that the party’s “vote ko izzat do” (respect the vote) slogan was not intended to be anti-establishment, but rather focused on serving the people and improving the lives of those living below the poverty line. In a news conference held at the party’s central secretariat on Friday, Shehbaz deftly avoided answering any questions about holding the outgoing generals, whom…

In Afghanistan, China to stay focused on trade ties, Taliban counterterrorism efforts: analyst

by Zhao Ziwen in SCMP, Apr 14, 2023China will focus more on economic ties and anti-terror work with Afghanistan, an observer said, citing a position paper released as the Chinese foreign minister began his first trip to Central Asia. The paper repeated Beijing’s shared regional approach towards the Taliban regime but offered little on new policies relating to Afghanistan, according to Zhu Yongbiao, director of the Centre for Afghanistan Studies at Lanzhou University in northwestern…

Police in TTP’s crosshairs

Edit in Business Recorder, Mar 1, 2023During the recent months TTP terrorists have focused on targeting the police. In the latest incident last Saturday in Balochistan’s Khuzdar district, two police officers were martyred and two others critically injured when a bomb attached to their vehicle went off. The same day, a police patrol came under attack in Lakki Marwat city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), causing injuries to four. This has been going on not only…