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Posts tagged as “floated”

‘Grand dialogue’ floated to revive PTI’s fortunes

by Syed Irfan Raza | Zulqernain Tahir in Dawn, October 18th, 2023ISLAMABAD / LAHORE: Almost a week after President Arif Alvi urged stakeholders to end bitterness to pave the way for democracy, the PTI on Tuesday proposed a ‘Grand National Reconciliation Dialogue’ among all stakeholders, while its leaders separately called on the president and the caretaker information minister. According to a statement by the President House, PTI leaders Raoof Hassan and Barrister Umair called on…

floated to revive PTI’s fortunes

by Syed Irfan Raza | Zulqernain Tahir in Dawn, October 18th, 2023ISLAMABAD / LAHORE: Almost a week after President Arif Alvi urged stakeholders to end bitterness to pave the way for democracy, the PTI on Tuesday proposed a ‘Grand National Reconciliation Dialogue’ among all stakeholders, while its leaders separately called on the president and the caretaker information minister. According to a statement by the President House, PTI leaders Raoof Hassan and Barrister Umair called on…

Moves again to abolish executive presidency

by Political Editor in The Sunday Times, Oct 15, 2023Is the talk about abolishing the executive presidency, gaining momentum, a trial balloon floated by an influential section of the government? So, it seems to be the likely answer. The apparent rationale behind the move is to obviate the need for a presidential poll. It is proposed to be carried out through a national referendum. That is to pave the way for a general election and…