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Posts tagged as “disputes”

Orders go out not to ignore Indian intelligence warnings

By Norman Palihawadane in The Island, Aug 22, 2023Local intelligence services have issued orders to their operatives to collect and process information pertaining to all parties and individuals involved in creating disturbances and unrest over the Kurundimale temple in Mullaitivu. They have responded to the leak of Indian intelligence reports warning of imminent communal riots that could be created by the disputes and controversies over the temple. Senior local intelligence officers said that the orders…

Emboldened loan sharks ignoring calls for compromise

by Prithvi Man Shrestha in The Kathmandu Post, July 15, 2023Since the ordinance that criminalised the practice of loan sharking lost its validity on July 5, the District Administration Office, Dhanusa is struggling to bring alleged loan sharks to compromise and settle disputes with their victims. Last week, the government was unable to table a bill in the lower house to replace the ordinance, which was introduced in early May, owing to parliamentary obstruction by…

Many local units in Madhesh are mired in disputes among elected officials

by Shiva Puri & Ajit Tiwari in The Kathmandu Post, July 13, 2023The growing hostility between Mahendra Mahato and Sunita Singh Budhathoki, mayor and deputy mayor of Mithila Municipality in Dhanusha, has affected important development projects and daily administrative works of the local unit. Mahato, who was elected mayor on a Nepali Congress ticket, had postponed the municipal council meeting scheduled for June 25 after knowing that Deputy Mayor Budhathoki, who is from the UML,…