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Posts tagged as “damaged”

School attacked in Mastung

report in Dawn, June 15th, 2023QUETTA: A private school was damaged in a grenade attack on Wedne­s­day in Mastung town. Police said some motorcyclists hurled the grenade at the Taleem Foundation Grammar School in the Sarawan area. However, the grenade exploded outside the school. The explosion damaged the school’s boundary wall and sma­shed some windowpanes. The attackers fled the scene after the incident. No person or group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

Grenade attack in Panjgur

by Behram Baloch in Dawn, January 11th, 2023PANJGUR: Several vehicles, including a pickup of the Anti-Terrorist Force (ATF), were damaged in a grenade attack on the Panjgur police station late Tuesday evening, officials said. Police officials said unidentified attacker hurled a grenade at the police station, damaging the vehicle.

Banned outfit claims botched attempt to blow up two pylons

report in Dawn, December 8th, 2022HYDERABAD: Two pylons of high transmission lines of National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) were partially damaged in Jamshoro when improvised explosive devices planted with the pylons’ foundations exploded late on Tuesday night. The Sindhudesh Revolutionary Army (SRA), which was said to have claimed responsibility for blowing up the pylons, said that all supply lines to Punjab were its target. The explosions took place at towers No467 and 463 located…