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Posts tagged as “Dalit”

Life sentences for 24 in 2020 murder of six Dalit youths

by Mahesh KC in The Kathmandu Post, Dec 6, 2023Rukum West: In a landmark verdict, the West Rukum District Court on Tuesday sentenced 24 individuals to life imprisonment on murder charges, and two others to two years in prison and a fine of Rs50,000 each on charges of practising caste-based discrimination and untouchability. A single bench of Judge Khadga Bahadur KC of the district court gave the sentencing in relation to the killing of six…

Caste-based discrimination rife in Doti

by Mohan Shahi in The Kathmandu Post, Sept 12, 2023Sarita Dayali, has been buying milk from a restaurant nearby ever since the milkman refused to sell her milk a couple of years ago. Dayali is from the Dalit community and is the district chief of the Feminist Dalit Organisation in Silgadhi, the district headquarters of Doti. Dayali, a mother of two children, has been living in the district headquarters for almost a decade. Although she…

Dalit students at a disadvantage in under-resourced community schools

by Deepak Pariyar in The Kathmandu Post, Aug 10, 2023Phuliwang in Annapurna Rural Municipality-10 is a picturesque village around a three-hour bus ride and then an hour’s walk from Pokhara. The village was originally inhabited mostly by the indigenous Gurung community and Dalit community. Today, most of the Gurung families have moved away to the cities and if the Dalits had options they would too, for a better life elsewhere, says Ramshree BK, a local…

Dalit leaders demand action against caste-based discrimination

report in Nepalnews, July 30 at 18:09 hrsDalit community leaders have demanded a stern action against the culprits in a case of caste-based discrimination in Bajhang. At a press meet here today, they expressed their serious concern over the demolition of the under-construction house of a Dalit by a group of non-Dalits at Syaldhunga of Bitthadchir rural municipality-7. The incident happened on July 26. A group of over 40 non-dalits allegedly demolished the house being…

Caste-based discrimination persists despite being outlawed in Nepali society

by Rupa Gahatraj in The Kathmandu Post, updated July 28, 2023 Dhanakali Sunar has been discriminated against all her life for being born into a Dalit family. When Sunar was elected a ward member of Baijanath Rural Municipality-1 in the last local elections, she thought her perseverance had won over discrimination and that she could now lead a respectable life alongside her neighbours. But she was proven wrong on the evening of July 2 when…

New House of Representatives to be less inclusive

by Tika R Pradhan in The Kathmandu Post,30 Nov 2022With most Dalit, Janajati and women candiates across parties failing to win the first-past-the-post (FPTP) elections for the House of Representatives, the upcoming parliament is set to become less inclusive than the last one. As many as 35 Janajatis, eight women and only one Dalit have won parliament seats under the FPTP system of elections with almost all results from the November 20 elections already in.…