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Posts tagged as “Daesh”

UN Security Council Holds Meeting on Terrorist Threats

By Fatema Adeeb in ToloNwewsm Aug 25m 2023 at 6.47 pm,The UN Security Council said in a statement that it will convene a briefing on the Secretary-General’s 17th biannual strategic-level report on the threat posed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant Daesh. According to the statement, the Daesh groups in Iraq and Afghanistan have been assessed by member states as the most serious terrorist threat in Afghanistan and the region. “The report…

21 TTP, Daesh militants arrested in Punjab: CTD

report in The News, August 13, 2023LAHORE: The Punjab Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) on Saturday claimed to have arrested 21 alleged terrorists of banned militant outfits in intelligence-based operations (IBOs). In a statement, the CTD said it had conducted 135 operations in the province, during which it interrogated 135 suspects and arrested 21 alleged militants. According to the CTD, the arrested men were from Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan, Sapiah-i-Sahaba Pakistan, Daesh and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, among other banned militant…

Security Situation of Afghanistan in 1401 (Solar Year):

By Banafsha Binesh in TOLOnews Online, March 20,2023 at 10:14 PMThe Islamic Emirate has conducted 70 military operations in the past year with the aim of suppressing the Khorasan branch of Daesh group in Afghanistan, officials reported. According to government-provided numbers, more than a hundred Daesh fighters have been killed in these operations. The operations of the Islamic Emirate forces intensified against Daesh hideouts in Kabul, Herat, Balkh and other provinces. Ijaz Amin Ahangar, the…

Russia Warns of Expanding Threat from Daesh in Afghanistan

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, June 15, 2023The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia warned of the expanding threat from Islamic State from Afghanistan to the neighbouring countries in the region. According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova, the Islamic State (IS), also named Daesh, is trying to undermine the security and stability in Afghanistan and its neighbouring countries with the support of externals. “The security situation in Afghanistan is tense,” she…

Daesh Claims Responsibility For Afghanistan Mosque Explosion

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, June 10, 2023The Islamic State group or Daesh on Friday claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing inside a mosque in northern Badakhshan province. On Thursday, the explosion inside Nabawi mosque in Badakhshan province killed at least 13 people and wounded 30 others during a memorial service of provincial deputy governor Nisar Ahmad Ahmadi. The Islamic State in Khorasan Province, a regional offshoot of IS, stated in a statement…

Mujahid Claims Daesh Threat in Afghanistan is ‘Propaganda’

report in Khaama Press online,April 3, 2023The Daesh group’s activities in Afghanistan have been reduced, and the organization is being dismantled, said Zabihullah Mujahid, a senior spokesperson of the interim government. In an interview with state-run TV RTA, Mujahid stressed that some countries are attempting to exaggerate and take advantage of the false propaganda about Daesh’s threats in Afghanistan. “Some countries accuse Daesh of their activities or claim Daesh has increased activity and is a…

Daesh Suppressed in Afghanistan: Muttaqi:

By Nazir Shinwari in TOLOnews Online, March 19,2023 at 8:33 PMActing Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi in an interview with RTA said Daesh has been suppressed and eliminated in Afghanistan. Muttaqi said that the Daesh fighters that are engaged in fighting with the Islamic Emirate came from abroad. “There is no Daesh in Afghanistan, there are no militant groups in Afghanistan. If any incident occurs here, it originated from abroad. It is good news for…

Daesh in Afghanistan Could Threaten US Interests in 6 Months: CENTCOM

By Mohammad Farshad Daryosh in TOLOnews, Mar 17,2023 at 8:50 PMThe head of US Central Command, Michael Kurilla, said that Daesh In Afghanistan will be able to attack American or Western interests outside the country in less than six months “with little to no warning,” as reported by Star and Stripes. He made the remarks on Thursday at a Senate Armed Services Committee, saying that Daesh is rapidly developing the ability to conduct “external operations”…

Mujahid says all diplomatic institutions in Afghanistan are secure

report in The ToloNews, Feb 10, 2023 at 9pmKABUL :In response to the possibility that some embassies in Kabul may face Daesh threats, the Islamic Emirate said that there is no threat from Daesh and that the security of diplomatic institutions is ensured. The Islamic Emirate’s spokesperson, Zabiullah Mujahid, emphasized that no one will ever be allowed to harm diplomatic institutions in Afghanistan. “All diplomatic institutions in Afghanistan are secure, and the Islamic Emirate of…