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Posts tagged as “criminals”

Preventing snatching of militants: Measures not fully implemented yet

by FM Mizanur Rahaman & Emrul Hasan Bappiin The Daily Star, Nov 12, 2023The Police Headquarters in August asked all its units to implement a set of measures by September 15 to prevent recurrence of militants or criminals getting snatched away. Some of the vital measures, however, are yet to be implemented. The measures were adopted based on 14 recommendations placed by a high-powered committee formed to investigate the incident of two death-row convicts in…

Cops combating organised crime under threat from Lankan criminals in Dubai

By Hemantha RandunuDubai-based underworld figures are reportedly issuing threats to law enforcement officers, particularly those engaged in combating organised crime, according to police sources.These criminals aim to disrupt operations against the underworld, with former IP Balendrasingha, recently assassinated, being among the officers consistently targeted with death threats. Sources said Balendrasingha’s assassination was intended to serve as a warning to other members of the police force.The police estimate around 50 underworld leaders are currently based in…

‘A fair number of organized’ criminals still operating from UAE: Minister

by Kelum Bandara in Daily Mirror, Sept 26, 2023Sri Lanka remains engaged with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to nab the ‘fair number of organized’ criminals living there and bringing them here for legal action, a Minister said. There are reports about Sri Lankan organized criminals living in the UAE, especially in cities like Dubai and operating criminal activities here through their accomplices. Asked about the current status of engagements with the UAE through the…

Nawaz adamant on punishing ‘swindlers’, Calls ex-generals, judges involved in toppling him ‘criminals of Pakistan’

report in The Express Tribune, Sept 23, 2023Preparing to set foot in his homeland and apparently ensuring a zero-risk environment for himself, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif on Friday demanded that the “conspirators” who orchestrated the downfall of his government in 2017 must face legal consequences, asserting that the country’s progress would remain hindered unless they were held accountable. In an attempt to build up momentum for Nawaz’s return to Pakistan from London on Oct 21,…

Nawaz adamant on punishing ‘swindlers’, Calls ex-generals, judges involved in toppling him ‘criminals of Pakistan’

report in The Express Tribune, Sept 23, 2023Preparing to set foot in his homeland and apparently ensuring a zero-risk environment for himself, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif on Friday demanded that the “conspirators” who orchestrated the downfall of his government in 2017 must face legal consequences, asserting that the country’s progress would remain hindered unless they were held accountable. In an attempt to build up momentum for Nawaz’s return to Pakistan from London on Oct 21,…

PTI will be affected more by ‘controversial’ SC decision: PML-N

by Zulqernain Tahir in Dawn, Sept 16th, 2023• Party says Nawaz will seek protective bail before returning to Pakistan• PTI celebrates verdict that will put ‘criminals back in the dock’LAHORE: “A controversial decision by a controversial bench,” is how the PML-N has described the Supreme Court’s act of striking down amendments to the accountability law. But the party maintained that the decision will have a bigger impact on the PTI and its chief, Imran Khan,…