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Posts tagged as “concerned”

UN Experts concerned about expelled Afghan women and girls from Pakistan:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, December 8, 2023UN experts have warned that displaced migrants from Pakistan, especially women and girls, are facing widespread human rights violations in Afghanistan. A group of at least ten UN experts recently issued a joint statement, expressing grave concerns about the unregulated expulsion of Afghan migrants by Pakistan, which has placed them at significant risk. Upon their return to Afghanistan, these migrants are facing human rights violations.…

PPP questions protocol to ‘convict’ Nawaz on return

by Zulqernain Tahir | Mansoor Malik in Dawn, Oct 15, 2023• Says ex-PM should think of contesting election only after serving out his jail term• PTI terms homecoming result of ‘a secret deal’• PML-N seeks permission for Minar-i-Pakistan rallyLAHORE: As less than a week is left in PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif’s return from a self-imposed four-year exile, senior PPP leaders have started questioning the ‘understanding’ they claim he has reached with the quarters concerned…

National Human Rights Commission concerned over attack on doctors

Report in The Kathmandu Post, Sept 29, 2023The National Human Rights Commission on Thursday said it was seriously concerned about attacks and abuse on doctors and health workers involved in treating patients and vandalism in health institutions. In a statement, the constitutional body requested those involved in such incidents to refrain from attacking doctors and create an environment for seamless delivery of health services. Issuing a statement, Tikaram Pokharel, the spokesperson of the commission, said…

Senate body concerned over use of blasphemy laws ‘to settle scores’

by Jamal Shahid in Dawn, Sept 13th, 2023ISLAMABAD: The Senate Stan­d­ing Committee on Human Rights has expressed concerns over the misuse of blasphemy laws to settle personal scores and observed that incidents like Jaranwala were “a matter of great shame for the nation”. In a meeting chaired by Senator Waleed Iqbal on Tuesday, the committee also sought details of persons detained under blasphemy laws. “It is a matter of serious concern when people take the…

34 eminent citizens concerned over harassment of Dr Yunus

report in Prothom Alo, Aug 28, 2023Country’s 34 eminent citizens have expressed deep concern over the government’s action towards Nobel Peace prize winner Dr Mohammad Yunus. They called upon the government to stop all sorts of harassment and unilateral slur against the Nobel laureate in a statement sent to the media today. Those who signed the statement are Abul Kasem Fazlul Haque, Hafizuddin Khan, Hamida Hussain, Ali Imam Majumder, Debapriya Bhattacharya, Badiul Alam Majumder, Shahdeen…

Afghanistan Should Not Again Serve as a “Base for Terrorism”: EU

By Gulalai Hakim in TOLOnews, March 21,2023 at 9:13 PMThe EU Council said in a statement that it is concerned about the “presence and operations of terrorist groups in Afghanistan,” saying that the country should not once again serve as a “base for terrorism.” However, the statement said that the EU approved the conclusions that reaffirm the EU’s “principled commitment to peace and stability in Afghanistan and to supporting the people of the country.” “Afghanistan…