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Posts tagged as “chattogram”

Chattogram South- AL and BNP inner conflicts sparked by nomination race

by Pranab Baul & Gazi Firoz in Prothom Alo, Oct 7, 2023Both Awami League and BNP in Chattogram South district are rife with inner conflict. The race to clinch nomination for the forthcoming national parliament election is fuelling these conflicts further. As a result, the conflict over positions in the committees of both parties has been overshadowed by the conflict over nomination. Nomination aspirants of both parties are active in the six constituencies of Chattogram…

119 journalists harassed in different ways in six months of 2023: ASK

report in Prothom Alo, July 4, 2023As many as 119 journalists were harassed in different ways — being tortured, threatened and accused in cases — for playing their professional roles in the last six months of 2023 — between January and June; of them, the highest 29 in Dhaka followed by 8 in Chattogram and Cumilla each. Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) revealed these statistics on Monday in a six-month human rights report, prepared on…

Dollar crisis: Unloading of Ramadan essentials stalled at Chattogram port

by Masud Milad in Prothom Alo, Jan 19, 2023 Chattogram: The unloading of commodities from three freighters has been stalled at Chattogram seaport for different terms as the banks here have failed to settle the import bills in dollar despite receiving full payments from the importers in the local currency. The ships carried unrefined sugar and edible oil, two essential commodities during the holy month of Ramadan, to Bangladesh from Malaysia and Brazil. The volume…