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Posts tagged as “assured”

Muttaqi Says Weakening Afghan Interim Govt Harms Everyone

By Nazir Shinwari in ToloNews, Aug 30, 2023 at 9:52 PMThe acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amir Khan Muttaqi, said that weakening the Afghan government will harm everyone and that the international community has assured the Islamic Emirate that they don’t support the armed resistance against the interim government. Speaking at a large gathering of religious clerics and influential figures of the country, Muttaqi said that Afghan soil is not a threat to any country…

ECP ‘promises’ polls by mid-February, at the most

by Iftikhar A. Khan in Dawn, August 31st, 2023ISLAMABAD: General elections would be held by mid-February at any cost, perhaps by late January if the delimitation of constituencies is completed earlier, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) assured the Awami National Party (ANP) on Wednesday, allaying fears that polls could be delayed indefinitely to extend the interim government’s tenure. The assurance was given during a consultative meeting between the ECP and an ANP delegation to…