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Posts tagged as “Although”

Priorities, Priorities

edit in Daily Times, December 20th, 2023Why is it that an estimated 1.7 million undocumented Afghans living well beyond their welcome in Pakistan only managed to tug at the heartstrings of the Western governments when Islamabad realised it had been pushed against the wall for far too long? Although no sovereign state is bound to explain its domestic policies, especially when standing on the edge of a shaky cliff, to the outside world, Caretaker Prime…

Terrorism: need for an exit strategy

by Dr Moonis Ahmar in The Express Tribune, February 8th, 2023.The writer is former Dean Faculty of Social Science, University of KarachiTerrorism is a double-edged sword, which targets not only innocent people but also destabilises a society. Although the recent suicide attack at a mosque in Peshawar’s red zone was not of the same scale as the terrorist attack at Army Public School (APS) in 2014, it was still a horrific incident. Countless lives could…