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Posts tagged as “alike”

Safety Jeopardised

Edit in The Nation, Sept 07, 2023Irfan Ghafoor Memon, a school principal of a private institution in Karachi was arrested for sexually harassing, blackmailing and threatening over 45 women under the pretext of giving them employment. This is just another incident amongst an alarming number of reports coming from within educational institutes, defying the perception that schools and universities are safe-zones where employees, and the students alike, are safe from such violations. The investigation officer…

Wheat shortage: edit in Business Recorder, Jan 17th, 2023

It is gross incompetence and mismanagement by central and provincial governments alike, even more than the glaring demand-supply imbalance, that is responsible for the worst wheat crisis in the county’s history. Every day hundreds of thousands of people queue up for hours on end to receive subsidised wheat and flour promised by the government, only to return empty handed as the price of staple food continues to break all records. Worse still, there are reports…