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Posts tagged as “Aghanistan”

Iranian Regime Must Stop Saber Rattling Over Afghan Water Rights: Khalilzad

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, May 24, 2023Zalmay Khalilzad, the former US special envoy for Afghanistan reconciliation, said on Wednesday that Iranian leaders must not threaten Afghanistan over water rights. Khalilzad said on Twitter, “Taliban authorities are being surprisingly restrained and statesmanlike over the issue. They acknowledged the treaty while arguing that the lower amount of water is due to drought and climate change.” He also said that the Taliban authorities had…

Pakistan for staying engaged with Taliban

report in Daily Times, Feb 3, 2023Pakistan has called for continued “engagement” with the Taliban government in a bid to develop guidelines on human rights, especially women’s rights, in Afghanistan that will conform more closely to the international community’s wishes, saying the old approach of using financial pressure to achieve the objective is not working. “Pakistan and the Islamic countries in the region are working towards that objective of promoting women’s rights,” Ambassador Munir Akram…

Iran Considers Establishing a Trade Center in Afghanistan

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press online, Feb 1, 2023Mohammad Mousavi, Iran’s Deputy Minister of Trade on Tuesday in a meeting said that Tehran is planning to set up a trade center in Afghanistan in the coming future. The establishment of the trade center is aimed at strengthening trade relations between Tehran and Kabul, Mousavi stated to Mehr New Agency. While addressing to meeting Mousavi said that Tehran wanted to invest in Afghanistan and actively…

UNSC Calls for ‘Immediate Reversal’ of All Measures against Women

By Fatema Adeeb in ToloNews, Jan 14, 2023 at 11:04 PMThe United Nations Security Council in a meeting held behind closed doors asked the Islamic Emirate to immediately reverse all restrictions on the work and education of women in Afghanistan. A statement issued after the meeting says the Islamic Emirate should uphold its commitments to Afghan women and girls. Speaking at the meeting, the Permanent Representative of Japan to the UN, Kimihiro Ishikane said that…