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Posts tagged as “Afghnistan”

28.3 Million People in Afghanistan Need Humanitarian Aid: OCHA

By Mitra Majeedy in TOLOnews, April 04, 2023 at 7:13 PMThe United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said that despite Afghanistan being the world’s largest and most severe humanitarian crisis, OCHA’s 2023 appeal has received less than 5% of its requirement to help people in need in Afghanistan. OCHA said that 28.3 million people in Afghanistan need humanitarian aid, of which 23% are women, 54% are children, and 8.3% of them…

Niklasson: Islamic Emirate Should Prove Public’s Support With Forum

report on TOLOnews, Mar 6, 2023 at 9:18 PMThe European Union’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Tomas Niklasson, said that the “de facto” officials in Afghanistan need to prove they have the people’s support through an election or Loya-Jirga (Grand Assembly). Speaking to TOLOnews, Niklasson said that the recognition of the caretaker Afghan government has been delayed due to the “actions and sometimes inaction of the Taliban.” In response to a question on how could the…