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Sheikh Hasina alerts AL men against local, foreign plots

report in Prothom Alo, 13 Apr 2023
Prime Minister and ruling Awami League president Sheikh Hasina speaks as leaders and activists of district units of AL from across the country met the prime minister at her official residence, Ganabhaban, in Dhaka on 12 April 2023BSS

Prime Minister and ruling Awami League (AL) president Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday alerted her party men against local and foreign conspiracies and asked them to strengthen the party further ahead of the next national election.

“Conspiracies would be hatched nationally and internationally. Many do not want progress of a country in such a pace, so they are working against Bangladesh,” she said as leaders and activists of district units of AL from across the country met the prime minister at her official residence, Ganabhaban, in the capital.

The prime minister vowed to work for continuing the pace of development confronting all the conspiracies.

She said they have been working for the welfare of the country and its people for three consecutive terms since 2009.

Due to the hard work of the AL government, she said, the poverty rate declined to 18.7 per cent in 2023 from 41 per cent in 2006 while the rate of extreme poor to 5.6 per cent from 25 per cent.

The prime minister said her government would mobilise the efforts further to decrease the poverty rate by two or three per cent more at the quickest possible time.

“There would be no extreme poor in Bangladesh,” she said, adding that her government is doing everything possible that include giving houses free of costs, reaching healthcare services to people’s doorsteps and increasing education rate for changing the lots of the countrymen.

The AL president also said the fate of the people changes once her party assumes power.

She asked the party men to make the Awami League further strong and work for the welfare of the people in a collective way as the national election is knocking at the door.

“So, we want the Awami League organisation to be more strengthened,” she said.

The prime minister said Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman liberated the country, adding, “So, we’re working for the country’s development following Bangabandhu’s ideals.”

The AL president also reminded her party men that they have to have dedication for the welfare of the country and its people as the political parties like the BNP and Jatiya Party were formed in the pockets of military dictators.

“The parties like BNP and Jatiya Party are not the parties of the soil and the people,” she said.

Briefly describing the country’s overall development in the last 14 years, she said Bangladesh has witnessed massive development in every sector such as infrastructure development, healthcare, education and accommodation.

The prime minister blasted the BNP leaders and their like-minded people for not seeing the huge development of Bangladesh although the south-western people are getting the benefits of the Padma Bridge.

“They are not seeing any development and are telling lies aloud every day. There is no respite even in the Ramadan days. I don’t understand, why they are doing so,” she said.

The AL president said they have worked for the people and in reply, they vote for her party.

“Awami League needs no vote rigging for going to power as it always comes to the power by winning people’s confidence by serving them. Awami League never comes to power without vote,” she said.

Those who are talking about election came to power at gunpoint, she said.

“So, the people rejected them,” she said referring to 2008 national election in which BNP led 20-party alliance got only 29 seats.

She reminded the countrymen that none has raised question about 2008 election.

“BNP still remains at their early position,” she said, adding that the Awami League has elevated its position further through working for the development of the country and its people.

The prime minister said she is working for the countrymen considering them as her near and dear ones after losing everything, including her parents and brothers, on the dreadful night on 15 August in 1975.

“The people of Bangladesh are my family. Whatever I did I did for the people,” she said.

The prime minister thanked the countrymen and the leaders and workers of the AL for giving her shelter when she returned to the country after losing everything.

“I have been able to work for the people as you (party men) are beside me,” she said.