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Saudi crown prince defers visit to Pakistan

by Mateen Haider in The Nation, Aug 31, 2023
ISLAMABAD – Saudi Prime Minister and Crown Prince Mu­hammad bin Salman has postponed his upcom­ing visit to Pakistan due to unknown reasons.

Earlier, the diplomat­ic sources had said that the Saudi Crown Prince was planning a visit to Pakistan on 10th of September ahead of his visit to India to attend the G-20 summit.

Now the Saudi Crown Prince has also can­celled his visit to India and will not be attend­ing the G-20 summit.

However, after con­sultations between Saudi and Pakistani governments the vis­it to Pakistan has been now postponed.

Pakistan has keenly awaited the visit of the Saudi Crown Prince.

Foreign Office Spokesper­son Mumtaz Zahra Ba­loch, in a brief statement confirmed that the vis­it was being rescheduled and new dates will be mu­tually finalised by the two sides. The Saudi Crown Prince last visited Pakistan in February 2019 and was hosted by the then prime minister Imran Khan.