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Rab not worried about US visa policy, says media official

report in The The Daily Star’, Oct 4, 2023
Rab is not thinking about the new US visa policy, but rather working to create a militant- and terror-free society, an official of the force said yesterday.

Commander Khandaker Al Moin, director of the legal and media wing of Rab, made the remarks while addressing reporters’ queries at the capital’s Karwan Bazar.

When asked whether there was any unease within Rab about the visa curbs, Moin said the sanctions that were imposed in December 2021 against seven former and current Rab officials were still in effect, so the visa policy was nothing new.

“Rab has been working to create a society free from terrorism and militancy since its inception. We are working as before. Visa policy is a specific country’s issue. They are acting at their discretion. We in turn are doing our duty,” said the commander.

He also said Rab has been able to win people’s trust by arresting extortionists, terrorists, and murderers and recovering large quantities of illegal arms and ammunition.

Moin further said Rab has done the work of uprooting a new militant outfit like Jamaatul Ansar Fil Hindal Sharqiya.

“We are not worried about visa policy. We are just doing our job,” he added.