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PPP ready to serve with renewed zeal: Asif Zardari

REPORT in The Nation, Dec 9, 2023
KARACHI – Former President and Co-Chairman of Paki­stan Peoples Party (PPP) Asif Ali Zardari Friday said that Paki­stan Peoples Party (PPP) always made efforts to solve the problems of the com­mon man.

He said that, since its inception, the slo­gan of its founding revolutionary Lead­er Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto “Bread, Cloth and House” had been integral to the core values and ethics of the PPP and for the ful­fillment of the party had made countless sacri­fices. The blood of the martyrs was also includ­ed in the foundation, ac­cording to a spokesper­son of Bilawal House. Asif Ali Zardari said that in the history of the modern world, no party had made more sacrific­es than the People’s Par­ty to fulfill its manifes­to.

He said that PPP had continuously traveled forward and learned from its experiences, thus we were ready to serve the people of Paki­stan with a renewed zeal and sense of duty.

The former president said that anti-harassment laws should be strength­ened and their imple­mentation should be en­sured so that women in the society could be al­lowed and given the op­portunity to work with­out any fear or prejudice. He said that PPP had al­ways been the champion of women’s rights and this party also gave the Islamic world its first fe­male Prime Minister in the form of martyr Bena­zir Bhutto.