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Police detain 10 Jamaat-Shibir men from Banani

report in Prothom Alo, Jun 7, 2023
The police detained 10 leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami and Islami Chhatra Shibir on Tuesday night from Banani area in the capital, reports UNB.

Tajul Islam, ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami’s Banani thana committee and secretary Maulana Rafi were among the arrestees.

Confirming the matter, Banani police station’s officer-in-charge Mostafizur Rahman said they were detained at around 9:30pm on Tuesday while they were holding a ‘secret meeting’ at a local restaurant in Banani Wireless Gate area.

Jamaat has come up with fresh programmes that started in sync with the BNP’s movement. Jamaat also took part in the first two programme of the BNP’s simultaneous movement which began in December last year. After that, Jamaat-e-Islami declared own separate programme demanding the resignation of the government.

Jamaat seemed newly emboldened to come out of the shadows following the declaration of the new US visa policy on 25 May. They announced a programme at Baitul Mukarram on 5 June. However, they failed to get the permission of the police to hold the prorgamme.

Following that they announced another programem at the same venue on 10 June and the party leaders are hoping to get the police permission this time.