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PML-N, MQM-P tie the ‘electoral knot’

report in The Express Tribune, Nov 8, 2023
LAHORE : With Punjab safely in the bag, the PML-N has stepped up its efforts to build a grand alliance in Sindh, seemingly to counter their former ally the PPP, announcing an alliance with the MQM.

The party now intends to collaborate with other players in the province, including JUI-F, to expand its outreach.

This much-anticipated announcement came after a meeting between MQM and PML-N leadership at PML-N’s central secretariat in Lahore on Tuesday.

MQM’s three-member delegation included the party’s convener, Khalid Maqbool Saddique, along with Dr Farooq Sattar and Mustafa Kamal.

On the PML-N side, prominent attendees comprised the party’s leader, Nawaz Sharif, party president Shehbaz Sharif, chief organiser Maryam Nawaz, General Secretary Ahsan Iqbal, and Punjab President Rana Sanaullah.

PML-N senior leaders Ayaz Sadiq and Saad Raffique, along with Pervaiz Rashid, Marriyum Aurangzeb, the newly appointed Sindh president, Bashir Memon, and Mian Nouman were also present.

According to the PML-N, both parties had reached an agreement to jointly participate in elections. However, MQM asserted that this alliance meant merely a seat adjustment formula, considering itself as the primary ally of PML-N in Sindh.

Both parties also reached a consensus on establishing a six-member committee tasked with devising a collaborative action plan in the next ten days.

Additionally, in a post-meeting press conference, PML-N disclosed the appointment of a retired bureaucrat, Bashir Memon, as the new president of the Sindh chapter.

On the other hand, the PPP viewed PML-N’s attempt to create an alliance against them as a testament to its increasing popularity, with party leaders asserting that the Nawaz-led party’s outreach to various political entities in Sindh indicated its awareness of dwindling public support, not only in Sindh but also elsewhere.

PPP also accused both of being king parties stating that both are “disciples of same spiritual leader”.

Entering the fray together

Following the meeting, Khawaja Saad Rafique held a joint press conference with Farooq Sattar and Mustafa Kamal, announcing that both parties, in accordance with the understanding established during their PDM days, had agreed to jointly participate in the elections and would enter the election arena together.

He said that during the meeting with the MQM delegation, it was agreed that in order to take Pakistan out of economic crises and address complicated national issues, grand alliances must be formed.

He said that issues related to the economy, society, law and constitution will have to be tackled jointly.

Regarding their alliance in Sindh, Khawaja Saad Rafique stated that both MQM and PML-N, along with JUI-F – with whom they claimed no understanding had been reached as of yet – intended to engage with other political parties in Sindh.

PML-N mentioned reaching out to PML-F, while the MQM delegation also included GDA in their outreach efforts. He also clarified that this decision would be taken collectively by the three parties.

Concerning their ties with PPP, he said that they have a longstanding history with the party, which is why they do not engage in responding to their verbal attacks, which he described as mere fireworks.

The elections will be held in a cordial environment, he added.

Post-elections assemblies

Dr Farooq Sattar, on his part, mentioned that during the meeting, they discussed solutions to the current social and economic situation. He added that elections were not the sole topic of deliberation during the gathering.

Beyond the elections, he stressed, they also need to consider and decide at this stage how the assemblies will operate post-elections and collectively address the challenges faced by the nation.

He emphasised that no single party was in a position to address all of the country’s issues, making it imperative to formulate a joint strategy.

Dr Sattar said a joint strategy will be formed for the upcoming elections, announcing that they have created a six-member committee to hammer out a charter which could later be used to create consensus with all other parties.

However, later the purpose of the committee was stated to be for Sindh-specific issues.

‘Not in pursuit of ministries’

MQM leader Mustafa Kamal clarified that their alliance was not driven by a pursuit of ministries or any power-sharing arrangement. Instead, it was formed with the sole purpose of serving the best interests of the state.

He said that problems confronting Pakistan are so deeply rooted, to the extent that if things were not put on the right track, there might not be another opportunity for any power-sharing formula.

He said that the remedy for Pakistan’s financial challenges lies not with the IMF but within Karachi, which contributes 68 per cent of the nation’s revenue.

He said MQM from a roller-coaster ride has reached a stable and steady position, firmly established on the ground. He expressed their determination to regain the same position they held in 2013 when they secured the maximum number of seats in Sindh.

Furthermore, he lauded Nawaz Sharif as the most seasoned politician in Pakistan, boasting extensive experience in serving in the highest public office.

Meanwhile, the newly appointed president of PML-N Sindh also announced that the party would form a coalition with like-minded parties in Sindh.

Later a joint statement was issued at the meeting, according to which the six-member committee, will propose a charter for solutions to problems faced by people in Sindh, especially in urban areas in ten days.

‘No decision to contest jointly’

However, Dr Farooq Sattar talking to The Express Tribune claimed there was no agreement to participate in elections as a united front. He asserted that the purpose of this meeting was, in fact, to foster a national consensus aimed at guiding the country through its prevailing crises.

He said they will pen down a charter with a minimum number of proposals to ensure it remains practical and enforceable. He denied the impression that it was an electoral alliance, clarifying that it was primarily a seat adjustment. He elaborated that the purpose of MQM-P’s visit to PML-N was to secure the deserved attention for Karachi.

He expressed MQM-P’s commitment to collaborate with PML-N, even in the scenario where it finds itself in the opposition benches.

Regarding reaching out to PPP, he affirmed that they would be PML-N’s main ally in Sindh, and PML-N would involve them in the decision-making process concerning Sindh beforehand. He said while PPP should be included in discussions on national matters, he alleged that the party’s primary goal was not to serve the people but to rule.

PPP leader Qamar Zaman Kaira said that it was the prerogative of all political parties to build alliances. However, he suggested that the formation of these alliances against the PPP proved that they were fearful of the party’s growing popularity.

“PPP won all by-elections in Punjab not only in rural areas but also in urban areas, so they were not fearful of any alliance.”

He said all parties coming together against PPP, will also lend credence to speculations that all of this was being orchestrated by “someone else”