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Pakistani nationals among top 10 asylum seekers in Europe, seminar told By Zeeshan Azmat in the News, March 12, 2016

Karachi:  Pakistanis were found to be among the top 10 nationalities to opt for asylum in European countries in the year 2015, revealed Dr Severine Minot while speaking at a seminar, on Wednesday, held to discuss the refugee crisis staring the European Union (EU) in the face in the aftermath of the war in Syria.

Author and academician associated with the Habib University, Dr Severine while speaking at the University of Karachi’s Area Study Centre for Europe (ASCE), on Refugee crisis as a challenge to European integration: social, political and security issues, claimed that Europe already received around 1.4 million ‘legitimate’ (legally admitted) immigrants in the years 2010-13.

A senior research fellow at the ASCE, Sajjad Ahmed, while speaking on refugee crisis and the consequent security challenges highlighted that the 1951 Geneva Convention called for protecting the rights of all refugees, yet it was not binding upon the member states to abide by the convention.

“Till September 2015, 32, 000 Pakistanis had filed asylum applications in the EU; the largest number of applications was received by Hungary, followed by Germany, whereas till the end of October around 50, 000 Pakistanis had reached the EU to seek asylum.”

The migration commissioner of the EU warned for tough actions against Pakistanis, he stated.

Ahmed while referring to the growing challenges posed by the Salafites said they were attempting to recruit refugees, although refugees per se were not a security threat to the any of the states.  “The data of criminal activities when studies revealed that out of 58 arrested suspects, only three had a refugee background,” he claimed.

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