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Pakistani Military Officers Behind Consulate Attack: Balkh Police Chief by Aref Musavi in TOLO NEWS

Balkh police chief Sayed Kamal Sadat on Tuesday said Pakistani military officers were behind the Indian consulate attack in Mazar-e-Sharif earlier this month.

He said the attackers, officers from across the border, were well-trained military men who fought Afghan security forces in the 25-hour siege.

“We saw with our own eyes and I can say 99 percent that those attackers were from Pakistani military and used special tactics while conducting their operation,” said Sadat.

“The attackers were military personnel. They were educated and well prepared and had intelligence. They fought us and only by Allah’s grace were we able to control them and eliminate them,” Sadat added.

This high-ranking official said that efforts are underway to track down, identify and detain those who assisted the attackers to gain access to the building that was opposite the consulate.

“We are jointly working with the NDS director and have spoken about this – especially as they came here not able to speak in Dari or Pashtu but speaking in Urdu. It means obviously there is someone who guided those attackers and helped the attackers,” Sadat said.

The attack on the Indian consulate took place nine days ago. Three attackers entered a building opposite the Indian consulate – the siege lasted 25 hours.

One police solider was killed and nine others including three civilians were wounded in the incident.

The security forces eventually gunned down the attackers who had been holed up in the 4th floor kitchen of the building.

Meanwhile a legal institution and a civil society activist’s institution in Balkh praised security forces for their efforts to end the attack. They sent a thank you letter to the police chief in line with this.

“Balkh civil society activists expect that security forces act seriously in order to prevent attacks like that on the Indian consulate, attacks on the Balkh attorney general’s office or burning of telecommunication antenna in Chamtal district or similar incidents,” said Sayed Mohammad Yazdan Parast a civil society activist.

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