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Pakistan to discuss long-term Russian oil deal next month

By Tanveer Malik in The News, September 23, 2023
KARACHI: Pakistan will hold talks with Russia next month on a long-term arrangement for importing Russian crude oil, as the

country seeks to diversify its energy sources and cope with high prices of petroleum products.

A high-level delegation will attend an energy conference in Russia from Oct. 10 to Oct. 12, and meet with Russian officials on

the sidelines to discuss energy cooperation, sources told The News on Friday.

“Pakistani side, to be headed by Energy Minister Muhammad Ali will hold a meeting with the Russian authorities on the side-

lines of this conference on energy cooperation between the two countries,” the sources said.

Detailing the agenda of this visit of the Pakistani delegation, the sources disclosed that the delegation plans to discuss

long-term supply of Russian crude oil to Pakistan, supply of LNG, as well as the North-South Gas pipeline project.

The Pakistani and Russian sides would be meeting for the first time on account of the energy sector after the first consignment

of Russian crude oil arrived in Pakistan in June this year, following which the supply halted.

“In the last two and half months, no new order was placed for import of Russian crude oil as local refineries did not show any

interest in importing Ural oil,” sources said……
