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Nawaz adamant on punishing ‘swindlers’, Calls ex-generals, judges involved in toppling him ‘criminals of Pakistan’

report in The Express Tribune, Sept 23, 2023
Preparing to set foot in his homeland and apparently ensuring a zero-risk environment for himself, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif

on Friday demanded that the “conspirators” who orchestrated the downfall of his government in 2017 must face legal

consequences, asserting that the country’s progress would remain hindered unless they were held accountable.

In an attempt to build up momentum for Nawaz’s return to Pakistan from London on Oct 21, the PML-N leadership once again

started fanning narrative against the judges and generals who, according to them, played a role in Nawaz’s conviction and

disqualification back in 2017.

Time and again, the PML-N leadership assailed some judges and generals and even blamed them for the current wave of inflation

and inflated electricity bills that landed on consumers’ doorsteps this July.

In the London huddle on Friday, which included prominent party leaders Shehbaz Sharif, Ishaq Dar, and Maryam Nawaz, the three-

time former prime minister reiterated his allegations that a nefarious plot had led to the near-collapse of the nation in 2017,

with an imposition of disastrous policies.

“A prosperous nation in 2017 was dragged to the brink of collapse,” he said, criticising those who were imposed on Pakistan,

referring to them as “a bunch of kids”.

Nawaz, who himself has to face legal proceedings upon his return as he had gone abroad for four weeks on medical grounds after

being granted relief in Al-Azizai case, emphasised during the London huddle on the urgency of bringing all those who were

involved in this alleged conspiracy to justice as it was crucial to the country’s advancement.

Surprisingly, the PML-N leadership remained almost silent during its recent 16-month rule and now in the election year, it once

again turned its guns against a few former judges and generals.

Strange as it might seem, Nawaz had previously accused former army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa of toppling his government,

pressuring the judiciary and installing the government of Imran in the 2018 elections but his younger brother, former PM

Shehbaz Sharif, lauded the former army chief’s services when he bid farewell to him in Nov 2022.

Nawaz, while speaking via video-link from London to a gathering organised by the then united opposition in Gujranwala, had said

that Bajwa had “packed up our government, which was working well, and put the nation and the country at the altar” of his


He had blamed a few generals and the judges for what he said were trumped-up charges but no practical step was taken against

anyone when the PML-N led government ruled.

In scathing remarks on Friday, Nawaz once again singled out influential figures, including Gen Bajwa, ex-ISI chief Gen Faiz

Hameed, and former chief justices Saqib Nisar and Asif Saeed Khosa as well as justice Azmat Saeed and Justice Ijazul Ahsan,

fiercely labelling them as “criminals of Pakistan”.

Nawaz and his daughter, Maryam, among other PML-N leaders, repeatedly accused Gen Bajwa and Gen Faiz of imposing former premier

Imran Khan on the people of Pakistan after a long conspiracy.

The high-level meeting at Nawaz’s residence in London once again blamed them for the country’s current political and economic

mess while deliberating Nawaz’s return and other pertinent issues.

Key consultations included discussions on the political situation in the country, upcoming general elections, and party

affairs. Detailed arrangements for Nawaz’s homecoming were also examined. The London meeting is being seen as a pivotal moment

for the PML-N, demonstrating the parties’ determination to shape the nation’s political landscape before the upcoming general
