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Mullah Baradar heads to Iran

report in Khaama Press online, Nov 4, 2023
A high-level delegation from the de facto administration of Afghanistan, under the leadership of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, embarked on a significant diplomatic mission to Iran on Saturday.

The official statement from Baradar’s office highlights the primary agenda of the delegation’s trip, which revolves around engaging in discussions with Iranian officials. The topics on the table include a broad spectrum of issues ranging from bilateral relations to various aspects of economic cooperation.

One of the vital focal points of the talks will be the enhancement of trade, transit, and transportation links between Afghanistan and Iran. The discussions aim to foster better connectivity and facilitate the movement of goods and people, which is essential for the economic growth of both countries.

The delegation’s visit also places a particular emphasis on Chabahar Port, a strategic gateway in the region. The parties will explore ways to boost Afghanistan’s involvement in the port’s operations, thus opening new avenues for trade and economic expansion.

In a recent development, Baradar has expressed a desire to encourage private sector investments from Iran in various sectors, including agriculture, mining, transportation, and industry.

It is noteworthy that Iran has maintained close relations with the interim government of the Taliban, even though it does not officially recognize the government. This regional engagement underscores Iran’s role in shaping regional dynamics and its interest in maintaining stability in neighbouring Afghanistan.

However, it remains uncertain whether the recent increase in forced deportations of illegal Afghan migrants from Iran will be a topic of discussion during the economic delegation’s meetings with Iranian authorities or not. These developments emphasize the complex and multifaceted nature of the relationship between the Taliban administration and Iran, which includes both economic interests and regional geopolitical considerations.