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Movement only way to establish caretaker govt: Mirza Fakhrul

report in Prothom Alo, 22 June 2023
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday said movement is the only way to establish a non-partisan government for holding the next national election in a credible manner, reports UNB.

“There’s no alternative before the nation to carrying out a movement to force the current regime for holding the elections under a neutral government,” he said.

Speaking at a seminar, the BNP leader said the entire nation is united for the restoration of democracy and voting rights of people by ousting the current government.

“Our position is clear that if Hasina (PM) remains in power, we won’t go to the election. It’s also a desire of the common people. That’s why we’re making it very clear that we won’t go to any election under this government,” he said.

The BNP leader also said almost all the political parties want the Awami League government to step down and dissolve parliament by handing over power to a caretaker or a non-partisan or a neutral government.

BNP organised the seminar titled “Constitutionality of the 15th Amendment” at a city hotel. Former Supreme Court registrar Iktedar Ahmed presented a keynote paper at the event.

Justifying BNP’s demand for holding the next election under an impartial government, Fakhrul said four/five elections were held under the caretaker government in the country in a fair and credible manner.

“All those elections were acceptable to all of us. But Awami League brought the 15th amendment to the Constitution in a very planned and well-thought-out way to cling to power.”

He said the last two elections held after the annulment of the caretaker government system manifested that Awami League brought the 15th amendment to restore one-party Baksal rule in a different way under cover of democracy.

Fakhrul said BNP along with many other opposition parties have been on a movement to realise their demand for the election under an impartial government to empower people.

“There’s no other way to empower people except through elections. If the people’s representatives are to come to power, then the election must be held under a neutral government. So, we must force the government to accept our demand through the unity of the people and through the movement,” he observed.