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Mine Explosion Kills 3 Children, Injures 1 in Afghanistan’s Wardak:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, May 29, 2023
At least three children were killed and another injured in mine explosions, left over from past wars in Wardak province of Afghanistan, a provincial official said on Monday.

The children were killed and injured in two incidents in the same province. The first happened when three children found a toy-like explosive device in Sayed Abad district on Sunday afternoon; the device exploded, killing two on the spot and injuring the other one, the provincial official said.

According to the official, a similar incident occurred on Sunday in the same province, Dehmirdad district, killing one child.

Earlier, one child was killed another was injured in a mine blast that exploded in the Deyak district of Ghazni province.

On Sunday, two children, ages 9 and 12, discovered the explosive contraption that looked like a toy and attempted to take it home. A provincial official, however, claimed that the explosive device quickly detonated, killing one of the kids instantly and wounding the other.

Unexploded bombs from previous conflicts have been found throughout the country in recent years, killing and hurting men, women, and including children.

Since last November, contributions have been made to support demining in the country by international organizations such as Australia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF).

Due to the four decades of war, the country is contaminated with the unexploded devices and mines in the world, which kill dozens of people every month, including children.