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Li Keqiang closes Congress on a defiant note despite grim economic outlook: by Philip Wen In Sydney Morning Herald, Mar 17, 2016

Beijing: As China’s rubber-stamp parliament gathered in central Beijing for its annual, heavily stage-managed meetings this past fortnight, some of their attention may well have strayed toward unrest in a small coal town in the country’s north-east.

Hundreds of miners in Shuangyashan have staged large protests after provincial officials denied in their meetings in Beijing that the state-run Longmay Group  owed employees months of backpay.

In many respects, the struggling coal company shapes as a key test case for how the Chinese government calibrates its approach toward its long-held pledge to restructure unprofitable state-owned behemoths, while balancing the risk of social unrest prompted by widespread layoffs.

It also comes after surprise currency moves and a $5 trillion equities rout last year rattled markets around the world.

The mounting concerns over the Chinese government’s stewardship of the slowing economy have not been lost on Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who was at times assertive and defiant, at others relaxed and jovial during an international press conference marking the end of the party’s National People’s Congress on Wednesday.

It was “impossible”, Mr Li told reporters, for China not to meet its economic growth targets – set in a range of between 6.5 and 7 per cent for the year.

While economic observers consider China’s pursuit of both growth and reform a paradox, Mr Li insisted the pursuit of relatively high-paced growth would not come at the sacrifice of difficult reforms urgently needed to address overcapacity in the country’s bloated coal and steel sectors.

“Reform and development are not in conflict,” Mr Li said. “We will press ahead with cutting overcapacity while ensuring there are no massive job losses.”

China’s leaders are betting heavily that the slack in the economy’s underperforming areas, in heavy industries like mining and manufacturing, will be compensated for by healthy growth in consumer spending and services.

As many as 100,000 Longmay workers are among 1.8 million steel and coal workers the Chinese government plans to lay off over the next five years, with 100 billion yuan ($20.5 billion) earmarked to fund severance and retraining packages.

Mr Li also shrugged off concerns over China’s growing debt position, likely to be exacerbated by plans to cushion job losses in the state sector. The non-performing loan ratio in Chinese banks rose last year, he said, but China’s large reserves meant it was in a “good position to defend risks”.

“It would be impossible for me to side with a view that we’re not able to meet our major economic development target this year,” he said.

Despite being open to foreign media, the premier’s annual press conference is tightly stage-managed and news organisations selected to pose questions have their topics vetted beforehand. One question on Hong Kong failed to raise the plight of the city’s missing booksellers, who are being held on the mainland.

Asked about the US presidential primaries, which have featured attacks on China by Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and others, Mr Li said the elections had been “eye-catching”, but ties between the world’s two largest economies had always been based on mutual benefit and would remain so regardless of who was elected.

Recent reports that Australia was contemplating allowing the US to rotate its B-1 bombers through Darwin were also raised in a context of a broader question around the regional strategic climate around the South China Sea, the Korean Peninsula, and China’s exclusion from the multilateral Trans-Pacific Partnership.

“It is inevitable to see disputes among neighbours, but as long as we treat each other sincerely and solve matters through diplomatic and peaceful means, we are fully able to safeguard regional stability,” Mr Li said.



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