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Karzai: Reopening Girls’ Schools is Vital Issue for Country

By Fatema Adeeb in TOLOnews, Nov 30, 2022 at 9:16 PM
The former president of the country said that dialogue among Afghans and the reopening of schools for girls are the vital issues facing the country.

The former president of the country in a tweet reported that in a meeting with the ambassador of Japan they spoke about the importance of dialogue among Afghans and the reopening schools for girls.

“Dialogue among Afghans, and reopening girls’ schools, are the vital issues for prosperity and progress in the country,” said Hamid Karzai.

Meanwhile some political analysts said that dialogue among Afghans will help the country face existing challenges in the country.

“Dialogue among Afghans is good but it will be effective when both sides understand each other’s demands,” said said Torek Farhadi, a political analyst.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Khalid Hanafi, the acting Minister of Vice and Virtue, also met with the ambassador of Japan and emphasized that Kabul wants good relations with the world, but they cannot compromise on religion and Islamic values.

“Afghanistan now has peace … and the government has control over the whole territory,” said Bilal Karimi, deputy spokesman for Islamic Emirate.