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JP shifting stance on polls-time govt:

By Rashidul Hasan in The Daily star, Nov 13, 2023
The Jatiya Party appears to have softened its tough stance against elections under the ruling Awami League.

JP Chairman GM Quader used to say that with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in power, the next national election cannot be free and fair.

He also used to say that there should be a system in which the government cannot influence or control polling.

That’s why GM Quader’s November 5 comment that his party was cooperating with the election process came as a surprise to many.

The JP is making preparations to participate in the election, he said, adding that if the party decides otherwise, it will make an announcement.

JP insiders say many of their MPs and leaders want to participate in the election.

On several occasions in recent weeks, Raushan Ershad, chief patron of the party, said JP will participate in the next election held under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

In the last one and a half months, GM Quader has not made any harsh criticism of the PM in his statements sent to the media.

JP Secretary General Mujibul Haque Chunnu told this correspondent on November 6 that his party would participate in the election under Hasina if it is held in a free and fair manner.

JP insiders said Quader apparently softened his anti-government stance after his visit to India in late August.

A top JP leader said, 17 of the party’s 27 MPs had met Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the Jatiya Sangsad on November 1.

A JP leader present at the meeting said the political situation and the next election were discussed at the informal meeting.

JP Chairman Quader said he was not aware of the meeting. However, Chunnu said he was aware of it.

“It was a courtesy call. But I didn’t participate because of some technicalities,” Chunnu said, adding that the JP was making preparations to participate in all 300 constituencies.

Asked whether the party will form an electoral alliance with the AL or participate independently, Chunnu said it would depend on the situation.

The JP participated in the 2018 national election as part of the AL’s grand alliance. It first decided to join the AL government. But the party, known for its flip-flopping nature, later decided to sit on the opposition bench.

The JP was the main opposition in the 10th parliament formed after the 2014 election, which the BNP-led alliance had boycotted.