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It is difficult for JaPa to go out of govt’s will

by Qadir Kallol in Prothom Alo, Sept 4, 2023
Dhaka: Conflict between followers of Jatiya Party top leaders Raushon Ershad and GM Quader is increasing over the leadership and authority of the party as the parliamentary election is nearing.

Both the factions of Jatiya Party, which is allied with the ruling Awami League for the last one and half decades, are now talking about the preparation for the next parliamentary election.

There are discussions at different levels of the party that the top leaders do not want to remain out of the power.

Many of the leaders are also talking about the reality that it is difficult for Jatiya Party to go out of the government’s will.

Leaders close to GM Quader said they are taking preparation for fielding candidates in 300 constituencies and they have given a message to the government to take an initiative for holding dialogue for the solution to the current political crisis.

They want to find out a solution within the current constitution to hold the election free and fair. So they are talking about the discussion.

Jatiya Party chairman GM Quader was vocal in criticising the government in his addresses and statements in the last couple of months. In that context the ruling Awami League men had a suspicion about him. There were discussions about whether he is tilting towards the BNP. However, they are not making an alliance with the BNP.

Speaking to Prothom Alo on Sunday, JaPa secretary general Mujibul Haque Chunnu said, “JaPa doesn’t want to be used to oust someone from power or bring in someone in power. So we are not in the one-point movement of BNP. We want a free and fair election through dialogue or discussion within the constitution.”

‘Impact’ of Delhi visit
Amid the discussion in the political arena over GM Quader’s addresses and statements criticising the government, he went to Delhi on 20 August on a four-day visit. He made the trip at the invitation of the ruling BJP. He remained silent for a few days after the return from Delhi.

Breaking the silence, now he is making statements in the party programmes. He, however, didn’t disclose anything in details about his Delhi trip. Prothom Alo contacted him several times for the last couple of days, but he didn’t want to discuss the Delhi trip in detail.

Earlier, the western countries including the USA and India were active ahead of the national election. The matter is not exceptional this time. The activity of the US is visible ahead of the election.

The USA has announced the new visa policy centering the election in Bangladesh. Under such a move by the USA, there are various discussions about the possible role of India. In such a situation, GM Quader visited Delhi. So everyone looks to the JaPa about their course of action.

JaPa leaders loyal to GM Quader said they would make clear about their position considering the situation of political crisis.

Different parties and alliances including BNP have been launching movements seeking resignation of the Awami League government and holding the election under a neutral government.

Under such a political situation, JaPa leaders created a sort of ambiguity whether they will remain with the government or take an independent position.

Jatiya Party secretary general Mujibul Haque Chunnu said, “We are taking preparations to contest elections in 300 constituencies.”