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Islamic Emirate Rejects US Official’s Remarks on Its Commitments

By Fatema Adeeb in ToloNews, Jan 4, 2023 at 8:59 PM
The Islamic Emirate rejected the remarks by US State Department spokesman Ned Price and said that the Islamic Emirate is committed to all its promises.

The deputy spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, Bilal Karimi, said there is no evidence to show that Afghan soil will be used against any other country.

“All territory of the country is controlled by the Islamic Emirate and there is no evidence to show that there is any action from our country towards other countries and their activities,” Karimi said.

Price said at a press conference that “Taliban have repeatedly broken” their promises.

“And meanwhile, we continue, just as I said a moment ago, to call on the Taliban to uphold the very commitment they have made to see to it that Afghan soil is never again used as a launchpad for international terrorist attacks. These are among the very commitments that the Taliban have been unable or unwilling to fulfill to date,” Price said.

Analysts expressed mixed views on the commitments of the Islamic Emirate and the US remarks.

“The US still interrupts Afghan borders. The US aircraft are still in the Afghan air space,” said Omid Safi, head of the Rawand-e-Pishraft Mili.

“The Islamic Emirate has fulfilled all of its commitments and has not yet violated them. And terrorist groups have not yet acted against any neighboring country or another country,” said Kamran Aman, a political analyst.

This comes as Pakistani officials have recently accused Kabul of not taking action against Tahrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.