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Islamic Emirate: Efforts Underway to Create New Crossing with Turkmenistan

by Habib Rahman Qooyash in ToloNews, Sept 22, 2023 at 8:52 PM
The Islamic Emirate said it plans to establish a new transit crossing with Turkmenistan through the Bala Murghab District of

Badghis Province.

The Islamic Emirate spokesperson, Zabihullah Mujahid, said that the purpose of creating this new route is to facilitate the

export and import of goods.

Mujahid noted that the construction cost of this route has been determined and efforts are underway to implement it.

“We planned a new route to connect with Turkmenistan via the Bala Murghab. The work is underway, and the project has been

determined. We are talking to the companies to sign contracts with them regarding its construction, and its practical work will

begin,” the spokesperson said.

The Ministry of Borders and Tribes said that, in accordance with the Islamic Emirate’s leader’s order, the ministry had

carefully inspected the areas of this new crossing in Bala Murghab and sought the opinions of the local people on the matter.

“Noori and his delegation observed and carefully inspected this area. They also paid close attention to what people wanted. The

report will also be shared with the Amir al-Mu’minin,” said Hamdullah Fitrat, spokesperson of the ministry.

The Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) said he considers the establishment of a new route and transit

crossing with Turkmenistan as beneficial for the development of the country’s trade and economy.

“The port that will be constructed in Bala Murghab will be the best port. Both oil and flour can come through that port. We

want the necessary things to be installed and built in this port as soon as possible,” said Mohammad Yunus Momand, the head of


“The port needs to have facilities, services, and infrastructure. It should build its capabilities. We welcome this and will

cooperate with the Islamic Emirate in the construction of this port,” said Khanjan Alkozi, a member of the ACCI.

There are already two operational ports with Turkmenistan, at Aqina port in Faryab and Turghandi port in Herat.