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Iranian Diplomats Visit Afghanistan’s Kunduz to Enhance Trade Relations:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, May 16, 2023
An Iranian delegation led by Hussein Yahyawi, the country’s consul general in Mazar-e-Sharif, met with the governor of the Kunduz province to discuss commerce and tourism-related matters.

“The Consul General of the Republic of Iran in Mazar-e-Sharif has discussed the expansion of commercial relations with the local authorities of this province with several Afghan diplomats during a trip to Kunduz Province,” According to Iranian media, Asadullah Niazi, the province of Kunduz’s director of foreign affairs, said.

In the meantime, the Afghanistan Chamber of Trade and Investment (ACCI) revealed plans to create a joint Afghan-Iranian chamber of commerce.

Establishing this combined chamber is expected to increase trade and investment prospects, strengthen economic relations, and make collaborating easier for business leaders and entrepreneurs from both countries.

Since the return of the Taliban to power in August 2021, the Iranian government has shown interest in investing in Afghanistan, prompting efforts to expand economic and trade relations.

Iran has been one of Afghanistan’s most important trade partners for many years. The two neighbouring countries have much in common, including their culture and history.

In the meantime, according to officials in Afghanistan, more than $1 billion has been imported from Iran this year in fuel and food.

Iran is one of the few countries that has continued to have close ties with the Taliban government in Afghanistan. Since the Taliban seized control again in August 2021, Iran has kept up trade relations with Afghanistan, continued to grant Afghans visas, and provided humanitarian aid to the Afghan people throughout these difficult times.