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Iran supports Afghan Taliban to counter ISIS threats: Nabil By KHAAMA PRESS – Sat Nov 12 2016

The Taliban militants group in Afghanistan is being supported by Iran as the country aims to counter the growth of ISIS terrorist group reach in the country, the former Afghan intelligence chief Rahmatullah Nabil has said.
In an exclusive interview with VOA’s Afghanistan service, Nabil said the group is receiving financial and equipment support from Iran, particularly in the western parts of the country.
Nabil further added that Russia’s interest towards Afghanistan has also grown as the violence has spread in northern parts of the country since 2014.
According to Nabil, the intelligence cooperation between China and Afghanistan has increased during the recent years.
The former Afghan intelligence chief said the Taliban group continues to receive support from Pakistan and the Red Brigade of the Taliban group continues to its insurgency with modern equipment in their custody.
Nabil said the group’s Red Brigade is mainly fighting in western and southern parts of the country, including Helmand, Farah, and Uruzgan provinces.
The remarks by Nabil came as the Afghan officials have long been criticizing Pakistan for supporting the Afghan militant groups, specifically the Taliban and Haqqani terrorist network by providing them safe havens in its soil.
Iran has also been occasionally accused of providing equipment to the Afghan militant groups in the country.

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