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Inclusive government in Afghanistan a top priority in upcoming Moscow talks: Russia

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, Aug 1, 2023
The Russian President’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, said on Monday that Russia perceives no progress regarding the inclusivity of the Taliban’s interim government in Afghanistan.

The inclusion of the Taliban interim government will be the main topic of discussion at the forthcoming Moscow-format summit on Afghanistan, which will take place in Kazan on September 29, Kabulov said, as cited by Tass.

“So far, we see no progress” in terms of the inclusive government in the country, “that is why we are going to meet and continue our work,” he added.

This comes after a two days discussion between the Taliban representatives and the US special envoys in Doha, discussing several topics, including human rights and economic stability in combating narcotics trafficking, according to a statement released by the US State Department.

On the other hand, the Taliban representatives raised the issue of lifting the travel and other restrictions on its leaders and the return of the country’s central bank assets held abroad, according to a Foreign Ministry statement in Kabul.

So far, no country has formally recognized the Taliban administration since it took control in August 2021.

Meanwhile, the US reiterated its concerns about “deteriorating” human rights and urged the Taliban authorities to reverse bans on girls’ education and women’s employment and the release of detained Americans, according to the statement.