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‘How social media is changing Pakistan’s society’

Unsigned Post on The Nation blogs, Jan 20, 2023
2023 serves as a year of resilience, financial growth, and prospects of making passive income come in handy with the use of social media platforms. People, in general, love the idea of it because of two reasons.

First, it is one of the best ways to make money online. Secondly, social media puts apples and strawberries in the tree. It means the kind of work we do online in different digital marketing avenues and social media marketing gives more benefits.

That is the reason why individuals are seen working on digital fronts. Likewise, when it comes to social media marketing and the perks they offer, people are more inclined towards it on several grounds.

It will not be wrong to say that today’s world is digitalized to the extent that it sounds weird if a businessman manually takes pride in excelling in a brand or company. We understand it took years and decades to be here today – the place where everything revolves around social media and the digital world. No matter how good a person is, his presence on social media determines whether he is credible. That said, it wears off authenticity in real space, real life.

This notion was supported by a Pakistani 18-year-old entrepreneur, Usman Chishti. According to him, some parts of Pakistan are against the use of social media and believe the internet is a curse. However, the other group or class holds a different viewpoint. They think it is a must to add social media to their lives.

At this point, where we see the difference of opinions, two things take birth – acceptance, and rejection. All those who think social media beautifies humans’ existence highlight advantages. For example, people who belong to this class think it is best to use social media to make new friends from different countries, cities, and regions. What happens once we make new friends? For them, exposure is assured, which hones maturity. Because maturity is all about experiences and exposure, nothing else.

Another reason to use social media in Pakistan is to stay connected with family, friends, relatives, and acquaintances who live thousands of miles away from them. Usman Chishti shares his thoughts and says, “if we see social media from the brighter side, there will be zero drawbacks.”

Not just connection, social media helped many cases of mental health. How did it happen? Well, with the use of social media, it has been easy to bring awareness about health concerns. This clearly means that with the right kind of use, social media didn’t adversely affect the Pakistani lot.

Interestingly, it assists in bringing awareness to all spectrums of the healthcare department. Let it be viral infections, an outbreak of malaria, mental health, lifestyle choices, breast cancer, dire conditions like that of covid19, etc., it has guided people about how to stay safe and secure, tips and tricks to stay away from severe diseases, etc.

There are many types of social media platforms. Some are meant for connections and entertainment, while others work best in terms of job opportunities and the development of professional relationships. Excitingly, social media in Pakistan is used by all.

Furthermore, social media has played a crucial role in imparting education and knowledge. Online courses, tutorials, and educational resources are always helpful in traditional education.

Last but not least, Usman Chishti accepts his role as an influencer, a digital marketer, and an activist on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

We need people like him to safeguard the country.