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Herat Security Dialogue in Dushanbe

Report in TOLOnews Online, Nov 27, 2023 at 10:09 PM
More than 150 high profile people including opposition figures of the Islamic Emirate, analysts and envoys of many countries and international organizations attended the 11th Herat Security Dialogue, where they exchanged views on the situation of Afghanistan.

The participants discussed the political and security situation of Afghanistan as well as the status of women and provision of humanitarian assistance to the country.

Some of the participants criticized the double standard policy of the international community towards Afghanistan.

“The international community is facing three lacks, the region is facing three lacks: lack of clarity, lack of vision and lack of consensus. Right now, we are hearing different.

Some countries in the region call Afghanistan a black hole, some call it white hole, some call it an opportunity,” said Rahmatullah Nabil, former chief of the Afghanistan National Directorate of Security.

“In our report, we pointed out that the lack of a coordinated international and regional strategy is vital to address Afghanistan, neighbors—the policy neighbors, first, because we have seen Central Asia states, (their) different positions
… on Afghanistan,” said Esther Zubairi, head of the UN analytical team on al-Qaeda/Taliban, Spain.

The participants also talked about “gender apartheid” against women in Afghanistan. They called for practical steps to be taken to address the situation of women.

“The special rapporteur of the UN is presenting reports that puts salts on our wounds,” said Shukria Barakzai, a former member of the parliament.

“It is the women of Afghanistan who are resisting the Taliban occupation in real terms right now within Afghanistan and outside; so we have to acknowledge it because they are not just fighting for their rights, they are fighting for the rights of women in the region and women beyond,” said Bushra Gohar, former member of the National Assembly of Pakistan.

This is the second time that Dushanbe is hosting the Herat Security Dialogue.

The Islamic Emirate has not yet made any comment regarding this summit.