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Haqqani Network Planned To Settle In Paktia: Officials by Abdulhaq Omeri in, Sept 09, 2016

General Qadam Shah Shahim, chief of army staff, said on Friday during a visit to Paktia, that Haqqani network in cooperation with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) intends to take control of Musakhel and Jani Khel in Paktia and Khost provinces and use the districts as their main havens.

However, Shahim said that Afghan security forces have fought the insurgents and their plans have been foiled.

“Haqqani network in cooperation with the Pakistani military intelligence in recent months tried take a few districts of Paktia province under their control and use them as their main havens. Thus, they have been fighting with security forces in different areas, but the Afghan army destroyed their plans,” Shahim said.

Moreover, General Shahim said that the Afghan government is trying to get the support of India and China in fighting terrorist groups.

“I had a trip to India and China to get their support in cracking down on the terrorist groups. I spoke with the officials of both India and China and they promised us they would help Afghan forces in eradicating insurgents,” Shahim said.

Meanwhile, Gulab Mangal, the minister of borders and tribal affairs, said that being a friend with India does not mean being enemies with Pakistan.

“Our friendship with India does not mean animosity with Pakistan. We want to have good relationships with all neighboring countries and other countries in the world,” Mangal said.

The concerns arose at a time that clashes are ongoing between security forces and insurgents in Janikhail and Samkani districts of Paktia and Omna district in Paktika.

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