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Halt pilot project for Rohingya repatriation to Myanmar: UN rapporteur

report in Prothom Alo, June 9, 2023
The United Nations’ (UN) special rapporteur on the human rights situation in Myanmar, Tom Andrews, has urged Bangladesh to cease the initiative to repatriate Rohingyas to Myanmar under a pilot project as their lives and liberty are still at risk in Rakhine.

The call was made in a press release issued by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva on Thursday.

In the release, Tom Andrews accused Bangladesh of employing “deceptive” and “coercive” measures to force Rohingyas to return to Myanmar.

“Conditions in Myanmar are anything but conducive for the safe, dignified, sustainable, and voluntary return of Rohingyas,” Andrews said.

“Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, who commanded the forces that launched the genocidal attacks against the Rohingya, now leads a brutal military junta that is attacking civilian populations while denying the Rohingya citizenship and other basic rights,” he added.

According to the release, Bangladesh officials have stated that an initial group of 1,140 Rohingyas will be repatriated to Myanmar at an unspecified date and 6,000 will be returned by the end of the year. Actions by Bangladesh authorities suggest that the first return could be imminent.

Bangladesh authorities have reportedly threatened arrest, confiscation of documents, and other forms of retaliation for those who resist the government’s plans.

Tom Andrews said there are reports of Rohingyas being promised large sums of money, if they agree to return. These promises are allegedly being made even as food rations are being cut to USD .27 per person per day for those in the Bangladesh camps. It remains unclear where the funds for repatriated families will come from,” Andrews said.

The press release noted that Rohingyas, under the pilot project, will not be allowed to return to their own villages, many of which were razed to the ground during the genocidal attacks of 2017.

The Rohingyas would pass through “reception” and “transit” centers in Maungdaw Township, after which they would be moved to a designated area of 15 newly constructed “villages” where they would not be allowed to move freely.

In March, Bangladesh authorities facilitated two visits by Myanmar junta authorities to the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar. According to reports, at least some of the Rohingyas were coerced into participating in ‘verification’ interviews with Myanmar officials. Bangladesh and Myanmar officials also coordinated a ‘go and see’ visit to Rakhine state for some Rohingyas.

Bangladesh officials said the Rohingyas had expressed “general satisfaction” with arrangements made for their return, but these assurances were contradicted by reports that those who participated in the trip had unequivocally rejected the repatriation plans.

“The return of Rohingya refugees under these conditions would likely violate Bangladesh’s obligations under international law and expose Rohingya to gross human rights violations and, potentially, future atrocity crimes,” the Special Rapporteur said.

“I implore Bangladesh to immediately suspend the repatriation pilot programme,” Tom Andrews said.

“I also urge the international community to stand with Rohingya refugees in both word and deed. This must include reversing the failure to provide a humane level of support for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh who are unable to pursue livelihoods, continue to face hunger and malnutrition, and whose children have very limited educational opportunities,” he added.