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Foreign forces airstrike claims lives of 8 Afghan policemen By KHAAMA PRESS – Mon Sep 19 2016

At least 8 Afghan policemen lost their lives in an airstrike conducted by the foreign forces in southern parts of the country, local officials said Monday.
The provincial security officials in Uruzgan said the airstrike was conducted late on Saturday night on Kandahar-Uruzgan highway.
Gen. Rahimullah Khan, commander of the Kandahar-Uruzgan highway, said the airstrike targeted a security check post on the highway late on Saturday night.
He said the dead body of a policeman is still missing following the airstrike and all three rooms in the check post were destroyed in the raid.
The main circumstances surrounding the strike have not been ascertained so far.
The highway located between Kandahar and Uruzgan is one of the most volatile highways in southern parts of the country where the Taliban insurgents are actively operating.
The US forces based in Afghanistan are regularly conducting counter-terrorism operations, mainly by conducting airstrikes to suppress the growing insurgency activities by the anti-government armed militant groups.
The Obama administration granted broader role to the US forces in Afghanistan earlier this year amid rampant Taliban-led insurgency in the country.

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