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District court orders arrest of judge accused in marital rape:

By Manoj Paudel in The Kathmandu Post, April 06, 2023
The writer is the Kapilvastu correspondent for Kantipur Publications.
The Kapilvastu District Court has issued an arrest warrant against Judge Bhuwan Giri, who is now working at the Judicial Council in Kathmandu.

A month ago, Giri’s wife had registered a complaint at the Kapilvastu District Police Office against the judge, accusing the latter of marital rape, following which the district court on Monday issued the arrest warrant.

Giri, who was assigned to serve as district judge at the Kapilvastu District Court last June, was transferred to the Judicial Council in Kathmandu a month ago.

“We registered the complaint against Giri, and an investigation is underway,” said Deputy Superintendent of Police Prem Bahadur Basnet.

Giri’s wife has accused her husband of domestic violence and sexual exploitation.

In November last year, Giri’s wife had lodged a complaint at the District Police Office, but the police refused to register her complaint. Soon after that Giri had also filed a complaint against his wife at the District Police Office accusing her of stealing money.

Following the police’s refusal to register her complaint, Giri’s wife went to Kathmandu and spoke to various media outlets. On February 15, Giri’s wife staged a demonstration outside the federal parliament building at New Baneshwar. She and two other women were arrested for protesting.

She had filed a complaint at the National Human Rights Commission and the National Women’s Commission, seeking action against her husband. She also filed another complaint at the Judicial Council.

She is Giri’s second wife. He had been staying with her after legally separating from his first wife.