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Deputy of MoRR: Pakistan Made Overhasty Decision to Expel Afghans

By Fatema Adeeb IN TOLOnews, Nov 11, 2023 at
8:32 PM
Following the Islamic Emirate officials’ reactions to the expulsion of the immigrants from Pakistan, Mohammad Arsalah Kharoti, deputy of the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR), called Pakistan’s decision to deport Afghan immigrants from this country “rushed.”

In an interview with TOLOnews, Kharoti added that Pakistan should treat Afghan immigrants responsibly and allow them to return to the country of their own volition.

“They have made a hasty decision regarding immigrants. They [Pakistan] violated the rights of immigrants, which are in accordance with international laws,” the Deputy of the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation told TOLOnews.

Kharoti noted that in the past two weeks, nearly 300,000 Afghan immigrants have entered the country from neighboring countries, especially Pakistan.

“Nearly 300,000 Afghan refugees returned to Kabul from the crossings of Torkham, Spin Boldak, Nimroz, Islam Qala and a number of them via the airport in the past two weeks,” he further stated.

According to the Deputy of the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation, the aid of the international community and international organizations is not enough for newly returning immigrants, who said that more assistance should be provided to the returnees.

“As much as the people should have had access to facilities and services, and their problems should have received attention, neither their challenges nor their needs have received attention,” Mohammad Arsalah Kharoti told TOLOnews.

This comes as the Balochistan caretaker information minister, Jan Achakzai claimed that their government would start the same campaign against those living without legal documents in the country in line with the “state’s decision”.

“And no one should be mistaken. This is the decision of a ‘sovereign state’ to repatriate all illegal immigrants. So any political government comes to power after the elections, this process will continue. The new government will be bound to follow this policy,” he said as quoted by Pakistani media outlet Dawn.