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CTD SHO martyred in magnetic-bomb explosion in Balochistan’s Khuzdar

report in The Nation, Dec 11, 2023
QUETTA – The Station House Officer (SHO) of the Counter Terrorism Depart­ment (CTD) Murad Jamot was mar­tyred and two others injured in a bomb blast in Balochistan’s Khuz­dar district on Sunday. Police said a magnetic bomb was exploded on Jamot’s vehicle when he was going to office near the Sultan Ibrahim Road in Khuzdar area. According to police sources, the nature of the explosion was a magnetic bomb and further investigation was under way. The wounded and deceased were shifted to the District Head­quarter Hospital Khuzdar.

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar on Sunday while strongly con­demning a blast in Khuzdar, expressed his deep grief and sorrow over Shahadat of Counter- Terrorism De­partment, SHO Muhammad Murad. The prime minister expressed his condolence with the bereaved fam­ily and prayed for the high ranks of the departed soul, PM Office Media Wing said in a press release. He also directed for provision of all possible medical treatment to those injured in the inci­dent. The caretaker prime minister said that such cowardly activities could not deter the high morale of the security forces. T

Balochistan Caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki has called for investigating the Khuzdar incident and submit the re­port of the incident. The CM has strongly condemned the bomb attack on SHO of the CTD and expressed sor­row over the martyrdom of the police officer.

The at­tack on the security forces deployed for the protection of people is highly condem­nable. He instructed that an immediate report should be submitted after investigat­ing the incident. Ali Mardan ordered that involved ele­ments should be arrested and brought to justice. ……