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China’s Foreign Ministry Blames US for Afghanistan’s Unfolding Crisis

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, August 16, 2023
As the Taliban marked the two-year anniversary of its rule, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry explicitly labelled the fall of Kabul as a military and political “failure” of the United States.

Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, August 15, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that Afghanistan has been stable for two years, and the future of this country is now back in the hands of its people.

“What happened in Afghanistan marked a military, political and counter-terrorism failure of the US in Afghanistan, and once again proved that military intervention, political infiltration and “democratic transformation” from the outside will not work and will only breed turmoil and disaster”, Wenbin said.

“The international community still has expectations for Afghanistan in building a more broad-based and inclusive government framework and safeguarding the rights and interests of all its citizens, including women and ethnic minorities,” Wenbin added.

However, the Taliban has not responded to the global community’s calls for safeguarding and promoting women’s rights. Despite multiple appeals, there remains inadequate addressing of human rights in Afghanistan, especially those about women.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, expressed concerns about the situation in Afghanistan, particularly women and girls.

“It is now two years since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan & the situation in the country remains deeply troubling, including the severe restrictions imposed on the rights of women & girls, Guterres said.

“The international community must not forget the people of Afghanistan”, he added.

Since August 2021, the Taliban has imposed strict measures, such as banning girls’ advanced education, limiting women’s roles across sectors, even in humanitarian groups, and requiring women to have a male guardian when leaving home.