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BNP’s associate bodies to go for ‘road march’ from Sept 16

Report in The Daily Star, Sept 11, 2023
The BNP is going to bring changes in the protest programmes to press home its one-point demand of election under a non-partisan administration.

Party sources said this strategy is to make successful its ongoing movement demanding resignation of the government and election under a caretaker government in the coming months.

The party has already chalked out some court-centric protest programmes and the front and associate organisations — Chhatra Dal, Jubo Dal and Swechchhasebak Dal — are going for “youth road marches” from September 16, said party insiders.

Party sources said this time they want to start the final phase of the movement from Mid-October to compel the government to hold the next national election under a non-partisan interim government.

“That’s why the ongoing movement will see a change from mid-September. The party is thinking of tough programmes instead of mass processions,” said a senior BNP leader, wishing not to be named.

The BNP in its standing committee meeting, the highest policymaking body of the party, on September 4 decided to hold court-centric events.

It might hold sit-ins and protest programmes on the lower and the supreme court premises as the party leaders alleged that the government is hatching conspiracy to implicate the important leaders in false cases before the next election.

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir already feared that he might be sent to jail within one or a half month as trial of a case filed against him began ahead of the polls.

“The trial started a few days ago. I think I have to land in prison within one or a half month. They [government] are pushing those who are opposing them into jail,” he said at a programme recently.

Party sources said after holding of court-centric programmes and the road marches by the front and associate bodies, the party might announce a grand rally in Dhaka.

The party also talked about programmes like lying siege to the Police Headquarters, DMP Headquarters and the Secretariat.

“We are holding peaceful programmes. Considering the political situation, there might be a change in the protest programmes in the coming days. But as a democratic political party, we will hold peaceful events,” Goyeshwar Chandra Roy, BNP standing committee member, told The Daily Star yesterday.

The BNP did not get expected success in its July 29 sit-ins at Dhaka’s entry points and after that the party gave a pause in programmes for 11 days.

Sources said the party identified some loopholes and is addressing those so that it can gather pace in the movement in Dhaka.

As part of that, there were some changes in leadership of central committee of Chhatra Dal and Dhaka city units of Jubo Dal.

Dhaka north city unit BNP convener Aman Ullah Aman was sent to jail in a corruption case yesterday.

Party leaders believe that he will not walk out of jail soon. “So, someone will be given the charge of Aman.”

Besides, Dhaka south city unit BNP Member Secretary Rafiqul Alam Majnu is in prison and that’s why Tanvir Ahmed Robin was given the charge of acting member secretary and he was also arrested.

So, the party is thinking of giving someone the responsibility, said a leader.

Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, BNP senior joint secretary general, said changes in the party’s leadership position is part of the party’s organisational activities and it will continue in the coming days.