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Awami League to focus on city polls and BNP’s movement simultaneously

by Anowar Hossain in Prothom Alo, May 19, 2023
Awami League wants to ensure victory of its candidates in upcoming elections to five city corporations and simultaneously keep control of the streets in the face of agitation of the opposition parties.

AL would continue its counter movement if BNP creates any anti-government agitation. However, the ruling party would focus more on city corporation elections if BNP does not take to the streets in this time. The party leaders said AL has already made plans keeping in mind that the opposition parties would intensify anti-government agitations in the run up to the national election.

Several leaders of AL said the party’s central committee at the beginning of the month directed the leaders-activists of the party and its associate organisations to start all out campaign in five city corporation areas. The AL and associate bodies formed separate committees to this end. But the party has tweaked its strategy as BNP and allies launched fresh agitation with rallies, human chains and marches. The ruling party rolled out counter programmes to keep control of the streets. The party men have now been asked to join election campaigns alongside the political programmes.

AL sources said the party was a bit relaxed about winning all five city corporation elections as BNP boycotted the polls. But now the party is to think about its strategies as competition is likely to increase due to participation of some leaders of the party and BNP as independent candidates in some places. The ruling party is especially worried over Gazipur and Barishal city elections.

Balancing vote and campaign a challenge

AL’s decision is to hold counter programmes wherever BNP organises any street agitation. The party thinks barring the BNP to take control of the streets is as important as winning the city corporation elections. BNP can give more effort to intensifying its anti-government street agitations as the party does not have to concentrate on city corporation elections while AL has to concentrate on both.

Ministers and lawmakers cannot participate in election campaigns due to the electoral code of conduct. As a result, the central leaders who are not lawmakers are taking part more in campaigns for the city elections. But in recent times, the leaders who are not lawmakers or ministers were seen more in political programmes countering BNP. Against such backdrop, AL policymakers are struggling a bit to strike a balance between election campaigning and continuing programmes countering the opposition.

BNP has rolled out a series of programmes in Dhaka city and districts as part of its ongoing movement.

This leader said the central leaders can take part in political programmes in Dhaka after taking part in election campaigns in Gazipur as the city is near the capital. But it would not be possible for Rajshahi, Khulna, Sylhet and Barishal due to the distance. So the party leaders will have to be sent to those cities in groups.

A central AL leader on condition of anonymity told Prothom Alo that the party held counter programmes while BNP organised programmes outside Dhaka before the month of Ramadan. The central leaders were divided into groups and sent to several programs. Later the presence of central leaders in those counter programmes dwindled. Now with the reality of city elections, the presence of central leaders would decrease further creating some inconvenience for the party.

AL’s joint secretary general Mahbubul Alam Hanif told Prothom Alo that the party’s programmes would be successful anywhere in or outside Dhaka as the ruling party has an active supporter base. Also, those who are in charge of campaigning for election would be able to discharge the duty devolved to them.

Hanif said AL has given importance to the city polls as the party takes every election seriously. Also, the party would continue to protest the BNP’s wrongdoings.

The reality is, however, different. Some leaders of AL maintained that managing election campaigns and political programmes simultaneously brings forth some problems. They referred to some examples of such setbacks. For instance, the party’s presidium member Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury would take part in the programmes of the ruling party in Dhaka regularly. Now he has been given responsibility of chief coordinator in the party’s election conducting committee in Gazipur city polls. As a result, Mofazzal now has to focus on the city polls and cannot take part in the programmes in Dhaka.

Party sources said other members of the 28-member convening committee are also central leaders. Among them, presidium members Faruk Khan, Kamrul Islam and Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin; organizing secretaries Mirza Azam and SM Kamal Hossain; office secretary Biplab Barua and other leaders would take part in programmes countering BNP regularly. Now they focus more on Gazipur city polls. Central leaders were divided in groups for the remaining four city corporation polls. As a result, all leaders would not be available for the party programmes.

‘Efforts to resolve the issue through coordination’

AL leaders claimed that they are trying to resolve the issue through coordination.

Organising secretary SM Kamal Hossain told Prothom Alo that he is taking part in election campaigns in Gazipur regularly and also joining political programmes when possible.

It was learnt from leaders of AL’s associate bodies that Jubo League hold programmes countering all anti-government rallies of BNP. The organisation had programmes outside Dhaka too. Jubo League is also taking part in Gazipur city polls’ campaign. The other associate organisations would also intensify their activities in coming days.

Ahmed Hossain, organising secretary of AL, told Prothom Alo that he is in charge of campaigning in Sylhet city polls. He said he will spend more time in Sylhet but also take part in political programmes.

AL’s presidium member Abdur Razzak told Prothom Alo that the ruling party will closely observe the BNP’s ongoing movements. The ruling party believes BNP men would resort to violence whenever they get a chance as they did in the past.

He said a big party like AL would perfectly balance between street agitation and polls campaigns.